Import Services from Fast Courier Services Limited.

  • Fast Courier Services Limited will coordinate BEFORE your vendor is ready to ship, assisting you with making delivery dates to your clients by providing accurate readiness information from overseas.
    As a customs broker, we can clear your cargo before it arrives into North America, South America, Europe, Africa and Asia for final delivery.

  • Our overseas office will coordinate multiple vendor shipments onto a single house bill or a single consolidation based on your banking requirements. Daily pre-advices from our agents globally provide you with the expected arrival information, which our local office updates without any delays.
  • Fast Courier Services Limited imports department handles air, ocean, bulk, consolidation & customs clearance for all of your import needs. We are a licensed customs broker that can clear cargo in every port in several countries.

Some of our import services includes

    ISF Filings

  • ACH & PMS U.S. customs binding rulings in statement processing, to pay duties with one electronic transaction in a secure environment. ACH fulfills the need for swift, accurate payment transfers in today’s competitive business environment.
    Applying for ACH is very easy. Once the ACH application is received and approved, you will be assigned a unique payer unit number thus making you eligible to pay duties via ACH.
    The ACH process is simple: Fast Courier Services Limited transmits the payment authorization to Customs through the Automated Broker Interface (ABI). One ACH payment is made per ACH statement. The payer’s account is debited and the Customs account is credited with the amount due. It is secure and eliminates the time consuming use of cash or checks to pay duties, taxes and fees.

Fast Courier Services Limited ACH Advantage:

    Fast Courier Services Limited can adjust its automated ACH system to provide the payment alert on any day you choose.

    • Fast Courier Services Limited can send you an advanced ACH report that indicates covered shipments, their value, and the duty calculations.

    • Fast Courier Services Limited will notify you electronically of Customs’ acceptance of your ACH payment.

    • PMS streamlines duty statement processing while also positively impacting your cash flow. You can have a once a month, interest free duty payment. This gives your company flexibility in managing the working capital required for duty payments.

    There are two basic types of Customs Bonds.

      The first is a Single Transaction Bond (also known as a Single Entry Bond or SEB), which covers a single import transaction at one port of entry.
      The total bond amount is determined by the type of bond needed, as well as the limit of liability required by Customs.

      • The second type of bond is a Continuous Bond, which covers all entries made by an importer at a port of entry. The most common amount for a Continuous Bond is $50,000.00, which is also the least amount allowable by Customs of most countries we operate in.
        The amount of a Continuous Bond is generally 10% of the importer’s annual estimated duties for the next calendar year and its good for one complete year.
